

想知道银行究竟是如何保护你的钱的,这是很自然的. 幸运的是, the Federal Deposit 保险 Corporation (联邦存款保险公司) insurance exists for this very reason: to help protect your funds once deposited. Read on to explore the purpose of 联邦存款保险公司 insurance, how it works, and what it covers.


The 联邦存款保险公司 is an independent government agency that helps protect bank depositors from the loss of uninsured deposits at an 联邦存款保险公司-insured bank. 该机构监督联邦存款保险公司的存款保险, which provides some protection to bank customers if an 联邦存款保险公司-insured institution fails. 换句话说,联邦存款保险公司为你在银行的存款提供一定限度的保险.

银行倒闭是一种不太可能发生的情况,但它确实发生了. 当这种情况发生时,联邦存款保险公司会向存款人提供保险赔付. That can be up to $250,000 per depositor per institution for each account ownership category. 2023年第一季度有两家银行倒闭, 监管机构采取了高于250美元的措施,000美元的限额以保护存款.1,2

记住,如果你的银行是联邦存款保险公司的保险机构, 你不需要申请联邦存款保险公司的保险,因为保险是自动的.


联邦存款保险公司 insurance covers traditional deposit accounts of up to $250,000 per depositor. 这些传统存款账户包括以下内容:

  • 支票账户
  • 储蓄账户
  • 存单(cd)
  • 货币市场银行存款账户
  • 预付卡(假设它们符合联邦存款保险公司的所有要求)

定期存单是银行提供的定期存款, 储蓄机构, 还有信用合作社. They may offer a slightly higher return than a traditional bank savings or checking account, 但它们也可能要求更高的存款金额. If you sell before the CD reaches maturity, you may be subject to penalties.

银行储蓄账户和定期存单通常提供固定收益, 而货币市场基金的价值是可以波动的. 钱 market funds are investment funds that seek to preserve the value of your investment at $1.00美元一股. 然而,投资货币市场基金也有可能赔钱.

除了, the 联邦存款保险公司 also insures retirement accounts in which plan participants have the right to direct how they invest the money, 包括:

  • 传统或罗斯个人退休账户(IRA)储蓄账户
  • 401(k)计划或其他自主设定缴款计划
  • Section 457 deferred compensation plan accounts, whether self-directed or not

The 联邦存款保险公司 may also insure an employee benefit plan that is not self-directed, such as a pension plan.

一旦你到了73岁, you must take the required minimum distributions from a Traditional IRA in most circumstances. 传统个人退休账户的提款按普通收入征税, 如果在59岁半之前服用, 可能要缴纳10%的联邦所得税罚款.

Roth IRA distributions must meet a five-year holding requirement and occur after age 59½ to qualify for the tax-free and penalty-free withdrawal of earnings. One can make these withdrawals under certain other circumstances, such as the owner's death. The original Roth IRA owner is not required to take minimum annual withdrawals.

一旦你到了73岁, 你必须从你的401(k)账户中提取所需的最低分配金额。, 403(b), 457年计划, 或者在大多数情况下其他固定缴款计划. Withdrawals from defined-contribution plans are taxed as ordinary income and, 如果在59岁半之前服用, 可能要缴纳10%的联邦所得税罚款.


Now that we understand what 联邦存款保险公司 insurance covers let's also look at what it doesn't cover. 联邦存款保险公司声明,它不包括以下内容:3

  • 股票
  • 债券
  • 共同基金
  • 人寿保险单
  • 年金
  • 市政证券
  • 保险箱或里面的东西
  • 美国国库券、债券或票据

Stock prices' return and principal value will fluctuate as 市场状况 change. 而股票在出售时,其价值可能高于或低于其原始成本.

债券的市场价值会随着利率的变化而波动. 随着利率的上升,现有债券的价值通常会下降. 如果投资者在到期前出售债券, 它的价值可能高于或低于最初的购买价格. 通过持有债券直至到期, an investor will receive the interest payments due plus your original principal, 禁止发行人违约.

共同基金只根据招股说明书出售. Please carefully consider the charges, risks, expenses, and investment objectives before investing. Your financial professional can obtain a prospectus containing this and other information about the investment company. 请在投资或汇款前仔细阅读.

有几个因素会影响人寿保险的费用和可得性, 包括年龄, 健康, 以及所购买保险的种类和金额. 人寿保险单 have expenses, including mortality and other charges. 如果一个人过早地放弃一项政策, the policyholder also may pay surrender charges and have income tax implications. Consider whether you are insurable before implementing a life insurance strategy. Any guarantees associated with a policy are dependent on the ability of the issuing insurance company to continue making claim payments.

年金有合同限制, 费用, 和费用, 包括帐费和管理费, 基础投资管理费, 死亡率和费用, 以及可选福利的收费. Most annuities have surrender 费用 that are usually highest if you take out the money in the initial years of the annuity contract. 提款和收入支付按普通收入征税. If, 59岁半以前, 有人提款, 10%的联邦所得税罚款可能适用(除非有例外情况)。. The guarantees of an annuity contract depend on the issuing company’s claims-paying ability.

市政债券面临各种风险, 包括调整利率, 调用风险, 市场状况, 违约风险. 某些市政债券可能难以出售. A municipal bond issuer may be unable to make interest or principal payments, 导致发行人对债券违约. 如果发生这种情况,市政债券可能几乎没有价值. 如果以溢价购买债券,可能会造成已实现损失. As a result, the interest on a municipal bond may be taxable after purchase.

市政债券免征联邦所得税. Municipal bonds also may be free of state and local income taxes for investors who live in the area where the bond was issued. If a bondholder purchases a share of a municipal bond fund that invests in bonds issued by other states, 债券持有人可能需要缴纳所得税.

联邦政府保证,美国政府将在.S. 及时支付本金和利息的国库券、票据和票据. 然而, 如果你在到期前出售国债, 它的价值可能比原价高,也可能比原价低.


如上所述, 联邦存款保险公司提供最高250美元的保险,000 for a single or joint account per depositor; This means that you can have either one account or multiple accounts at the same bank, 但只要250美元,000人可以投保.

但有些策略可能会增加你的覆盖率. 假设, you could set up a revocable trust and identify one or more beneficiaries to possibly increase your coverage. 每位受益人可获得25万美元的保险. 例如, a revocable trust account with one owner that names three unique beneficiaries can insure themselves up to $750,000.4

请记住,使用信托涉及复杂的税收规则和法规. 在进行信托之前, consider working with a professional familiar with the rules and regulations.

1. 联邦存款保险公司.2023年3月1日
2. FoxBusiness.2023年3月12日
3. 联邦存款保险公司.2023年3月1日
4. 联邦存款保险公司.2023年3月1日

The content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. 本材料中的信息不作为税务或法律建议. 它不得用于避免任何联邦税收处罚的目的. 请咨询法律或税务专业人士 获取有关您个人情况的具体信息. This material was developed and produced by 手机赌博软件下载,提供信息的一个主题,可能是感兴趣的. 消费品, 有限责任公司, 不隶属于指定的经纪自营商, 国家或证券交易委员会注册的投资咨询公司. 所表达的意见和提供的材料仅供一般参考, 并且不应该被认为是对购买或 出售任何证券. 版权 手机赌博软件下载.


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应税vs. 递延税收储蓄

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